Proficiency in Medical Care on Board Ship Refresher (STCW)

  • Duration : 3 Day's

  • Approval by : MCA

  • Cost : £320 Exl VAT

  • This training is intended for seafarers that currently holds a Proficiency in Medical Care on Board Ship Course

    Delegates must provide proof of a valid STCW Proficiency in Medical Care On-board Ship or Refresher Certificate.

    In accordance with MGN 96(M), the Master and the officer in charge of first aid or medical care are required to attend refresher training at least every five years.

    Please provide a copy of your previous certificate at the time of booking to ensure the correct course is allocated

  • Aged 16 or over.

    Delegates must have completed the STCW Medical Care On Board (MCOB) course within five years of attainment; OR Have an STCW Medical Care On Board (MCOB) course older than 5 years and be able to prove having taken part in drills and onboard training as an officer in the last 5 years.

  • Delegates will be provided with a revision test along with their course joining instructions, this should be completed and presented to the course instructor on the first day of training.

    It is also strongly recommended that before attending the course all delegates study thoroughly, revising their Medical Care on Board Ship course notes, particularly the anatomy and physiology elements.

    Delegates or booking companies MUST ensure that one of the below forms of personal identification is available to be presented at course registration:


    Discharge Book (or equivalent National document recording a person's sea service)

    National I.D. Card

    The above request is enforced by the MCA.

  • Upon successful completion of this STCW revalidation course, all candidates are issued with an updated STCW certificate.

For more information, please contact us on (or use our form below)

Tel - 0141 588 2928

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